Chicago Jitterbug Club
Pictures: Click here to go to our new and improved photo album
Home News Calendar Pictures Links
Halloween Dance Prize Winners
Beachcomber Dance at the Elks!
Picnic was a real Hot Time!
Thank you for the great Flag Day Dance
Support your club by helping once or twice at the door.... It's FUN!!
The 2010 CJC Board Wishes You a Happy Healthy New Year
Halloween Prize Winners
Club Picnic
Vintage Beauties
Cool Cats at the 50s Dance
2009 Puttin' on the Ritz Photos
"Will you be my wife?" Tim asked Linda at Puttin' on the Ritz
We try to take shots that show people at their best. If we find a picture that we think is not becoming to one or more of the people in the image, we will delete it. If you see a picture of yourself on the club Web site that you think is not becoming, please let us know and we will be glad to remove it. It is not our intention to embarass anyone, we want to display photos that show people at their best. Some people don't like to have their picture taken. If you would prefer not to be photographed, let us know. We don't want to do anything that makes someone uncomfortable.
© - Chicago Jitterbug Club